

West Chicago's 10th Annual Frosty Fest Essay Contest Announced

West Chicago students in grades 1 - 6 (including home-schooled children) are invited to participate in the 10th Annual Frosty Fest Essay Contest, sponsored by the City of West Chicago. This year's theme relates to West Chicago's railroad heritage.

It was chosen to engage children in thinking about and offering ideas on the importance of a city's history and how they could help celebrate and promote it.  "Understanding and appreciating hometown history is especially important to feeling a connection to the community," said Mayor Ruben Pineda. "We hope this essay topic will spark an interest in our young people to learn more about the city's roots."

Age categories for participation include: Grades 1 & 2; Grades 3 & 4; and Grades 5 & 6. The winning students, one in each category, will enjoy a classroom visit by Mayor Pineda and be invited to ride with him in a horse-drawn carriage during the Frosty Fest procession on Saturday, December 3, 2016, and also help him light the official holiday tree that evening. 

All entries must be received at City Hall, 475 Main Street, by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 16, 2016.

Click Here for flyer!

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